Wendy helps you to access the clarity you need to become a published author. To access the right state of being for you; whether silent and still; or through exercise and movement, to connect with your energetic field, your deepest core and find your treasure; – your book’s key message and unique offering. When you align your purpose and passion and are fully present, your full potential can be released. Here, you can achieve whatever you want in life, whether it is writing your bestseller or facing another of life’s challenges. Wendy’s author coaching helps you to be free to write effortlessly, in flow and to know exactly what you need to do next.

Wendy Yorke coaches you to access this place of creative flow by helping you find the clarity you need to write, edit and publish your books. She helps you find the messages within, which you want to share with the world in your books. She believes each person has a purpose for being here and inside each of us is a unique message waiting to be discovered and released; the diamond within, waiting to be polished.

She helps you to zone in and access what you are passionate about; whether it is writing a book or another life goal. She helps you to access and deliver your message and to give it structure – to make it impactful, meaningful and powerful for other people – your readers.

Clarity is the power to act and do whatever you need to do, to achieve what you want. You need to know exactly what it is you want, in your heart, truly and in your soul, deeply. It is not what other people want for you or what society or the media expect of you. It is simply, absolutely what you want.

Also, you need to know why you want it. Understanding your why reveals your reasons and accesses your emotions behind what you want and without emotion there is no energy to make the changes necessary to achieve what you want. Why motivates the want and the what to happen. It is all about the energy, which you give to your want, in this case your book being written, edited and published. When you understand – with total clarity – your what and your why you can – with Wendy’s help – develop your how, your book structure or your Writing Action Plan.

Once your manuscript is written, Wendy also coaches new authors through the Beta Reader process, providing a template to send to trusted readers, in confidence, to gather and harness their third party endorsement. She helps her writers to analyse and use the feedback and testimonials received and construct the Praise From Other People page, of their book’s front matter.

Wendy also provides writers with a set of practical Self-Editing Tips and explains the importance of the Close Critical Review process, for writers to conduct before they submit their written work for professional editing and international publisher consideration.

After meeting to discuss your needs, Wendy develops coaching programmes to address your specific business and personal focus. All programmes are designed around three key elements, enabling participants to: raise self-awareness; build capacity; and empower professional and personal development; to optimise the benefits of change and goal achievement.

Author coaching programmes help you transition from where you are now, to where you want to be. Wendy’s sessions are future-focused and dedicated to achieving measurable results in a short time, with clarity, support and encouragement. Author coaching is confidential, unique to each client and focuses on the client’s content and their expectations. The value you gain from having a professional coach and editor to help you is that you will reach your destination and achieve your goal, with more clarity, confidence and commitment; and you will get there more quickly.

Coaching is for people who want to make a change in their lives or to make an improvement in a positive way. It is a two-way process, enabling you to identify, create and achieve the outcomes you want, while being motivated, inspired and empowered by your coach. It is about: results rather than excuses; taking 100% responsibility for your life and your actions; and the benefits your actions deliver for you and for other people.

Wendy’s author coaching, professional editing and publishing support programmes are designed for each author/client’s individual needs. She specialises in the genres of: Mind Body Spirit; New Thinking; inspirational business and leadership; self-empowerment; memoir; spirituality and philosophy; health and wellbeing. She works with transformative books, which help to create new futures for her authors and to change or improve other people’s lives. She also works with fiction, which has a spiritual or nature conservation message.

Wendy’s focus is to help you achieve: CLARITY; CONFIDENCE and IMPACT so you can :

  • transform;
  • embrace change;
  • tackle life’s challenges;
  • achieve identified goals;
  • live life to your full potential;
  • recognise and value differences;
  • share your message with the world;
  • create exciting and compelling new futures;
  • empower personal and professional growth;
  • speak your truth, stand out and be visible in the world;
  • write, edit and publish your books to help other people; and
  • elevate your public profile, product and platform, with visibility and impact.

Wendy provides professional support, accountability, motivation and inspiration to help you succeed in your chosen goal.

A supportive author coach is:

  • confidential and an objective sounding board;
  • logical, practical and a constructive guide;
  • accountable and motivational;
  • inspirational, to keep your creativity juices flowing;
  • positive and forward-thinking;
  • goal focused and task-orientated…


  • what international publishers are looking for – right now.

“Thank you so much for our wonderful session Wendy. You gave me so much insight about the writing process and the wisdom and guidance you provide is invaluable on my book creation and future journey. The Line of Clarity exercise we completed today has given me a much clearer understanding of what I need to do next and each step of the way forward. I loved the way you grounded my book publication goal firmly within my senses, so I can see, feel, touch, hear and taste it. And actually, know it is real, which is so empowering. You are amazing – I hope you know that. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”


Kelly Fulker, Earth Scientist, intuitive healer, circle keeper and light worker, Perth, Western Australia

“Wendy helps you to access your unique clarity, whether it is for writing a book or facing any of life’s many challenges. She enables you to find and hold on to your own sense of stillness, with freedom and space, to connect to your being-ness and to allow your book messages and content to come forth effortlessly.”

Dr Nerina Ramlakhan, award-winning published author, physiologist and sleep therapist

Working with Wendy to write my first book was one of the greatest things I have done in my life. Wendy has been a light who shone into my soul to uncover my clarity and my brilliance, which resulted in publishing my book. She supported me with incredible wisdom while I was giving birth to my book. I will always be grateful for her intuitive, powerful and tender handling of my soul. Thank you Wendy, for helping me to fulfil one of the biggest wishes of my life; to deliver a book, which is powerful and is helping other people change their fears into their successes.” 

Gosia Gorna, bestselling author and award-winning transformational coach

“Working with Wendy makes me feel held. She helps you to feel safe, and nurtured. She has the ability to take you into the stillness to love and listen to yourself; knowing you are enough right now. When you have this knowing, you can hear the messages from within: who you are; why you are here; what you are here to create and contribute; and how to write your book.”

Rosie Tomkins, founder of Natural Capital Consultants Limited UK, management consultant and business entrepreneur