Wendy Yorks Books


Wendy is an international literary agent and publishing consultant representing her authors and working across the: European, Asian, American, Middle Eastern and Australian markets.

Annually, she attends: the Dubai Festival of Literature in the Middle East; the London International Book Fair; the Frankfurt International Book Fair, as well as hosting Author Coaching Writer Retreats in the south of France and leading Writer Workshops at The Centre For Stories in Perth, Western Australia.

Wendy specialises in supporting new authors, within Fiction and Non Fiction, in particular in the genre of transformational books; books which can change people’s lives. Her focus includes: Mind, Body, Spirit; Spirituality and Philosophy; Popular Psychology; Memoir; Health and Wellbeing; Inspired Business and Leadership; and New Thinking.

She also manages children’s Fiction and Non Fiction titles, with a spirituality and nature conservation message.

Wendy explains the publisher path for you and your particular content and she recommends the best route to market for you either,  using the: traditional journey through the literary agency process to mainstream publishing; or the middle way of hybrid publishing; or the self-publishing path.  She maintains close association with each publishing option, as well as the main international traditional publishing houses and their numerous imprints. 

Once your preferred publishing route is agreed, Wendy can make the introductions to specific service providers or she will represent you as your literary agent. After an Author Agreement is signed, she will create a totally engaging Publisher Proposal for your approval. On your behalf, she submits your proposal to an agreed publisher pitch list, conducts all necessary follow up and reports back to you, at least every three months. 

When a publishers are interested in offering for your written works, Wendy negotiates the best publishing deal on your behalf before you begin to work with your agreed publishing house.

Wendy can continue to support and guide you, as you work with your publisher, right up to your book launch, signings and sales.

Creating a professional, captivating and commercially viable Publisher Proposal is a critical step to your books’ success. Wendy’s process is to include the following information, which she works with you to make the best it can possibly be.

Publisher Proposals

  • Book title, genre, word count and synopsis
  • Key features, selling points, unique offering
  • About the author + good quality photograph
  • Author’s profile, online and social media
  • Contents list and chapter-by-chapter summary
  • Comparable written works, authors and books
  • Readership and target audience
  • Any specific, international markets
  • Reviews and praise from other people
  • Any existing PR, marketing and promotional opportunities
  • Any book sponsors, supporters, bulk buyers
Working with Wendy to write my first book was one of the greatest things I have done in my life. Wendy has been a light who shone into my soul to uncover my clarity and my brilliance, which resulted in publishing my book. She supported me with incredible wisdom while I was giving birth to my book. I will always be grateful for her intuitive, powerful and tender handling of my soul. Thank you Wendy, for helping me to fulfil one of the biggest wishes of my life; to deliver a book, which is powerful and is helping other people change their fears into their successes.” 

Gosia Gorna, bestselling author and award-winning transformational coach

“Wendy helps you to access your unique clarity, whether it is for writing a book or facing any of life’s many challenges. She enables you to find and hold on to your own sense of stillness, with freedom and space, to connect to your being-ness and to allow your book messages and content to come forth effortlessly.”

Dr Nerina Ramlakhan, award-winning published author, physiologist and sleep therapist

“Working with Wendy makes me feel held. She helps you to feel safe, and nurtured. She has the ability to take you into the stillness to love and listen to yourself; knowing you are enough right now. When you have this knowing, you can hear the messages from within: who you are; why you are here; what you are here to create and contribute; and how to write your book.”

Rosie Tomkins, founder of Natural Capital Consultants Limited UK, management consultant and business entrepreneur

“Thank you so much for our wonderful session Wendy. You gave me so much insight about the writing process and the wisdom and guidance you provide is invaluable on my book creation and future journey. The Line of Clarity exercise we completed today has given me a much clearer understanding of what I need to do next and each step of the way forward. I loved the way you grounded my book publication goal firmly within my senses, so I can see, feel, touch, hear and taste it. And actually, know it is real, which is so empowering. You are amazing – I hope you know that. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”


Kelly Fulker, Earth Scientist, intuitive healer, circle keeper and light worker, Perth, Western Australia