Great Action Planning Tool

Do you have something you really want to achieve in your life and are struggling to get started or make it happen ?

Well, here is a really great Action Planning tool to help focus your mind and your attention, so you can have what you want and achieve that goal.

I learnt this coaching tool from the lovely Pam Lidford, a Performance and Confidence Coach and trainer with the Coaching Academy of London.

Now to get started, all you need is a packet of colourful Post It Notes, a good pen and a clear, blank wall.

Take the first Post It Note and write a large X on it and today’s date. Stick this on the far left side of the clear space on your wall.

Take a second Post It, write a large Y on it. Underneath that write down the particular goal you want to achieve and the date you want to achieve it by.

The goal must be stated in the present, personal and positive. For example: I am running my own business by June 2014 with 6 clients a week; I am a company Director by  October 2013 earning an annual salary of at least £120,000; or I am an author with my first book published by April 2015; or I have a loving partner who I can trust by December 2013; you get the idea. Stick this Post It on the far right side of your wall.

Now, think of all the steps you need to take to achieve your goal. Add as much detail as you can; facts; figures; dates, people and place names etc.

Write each step on a new Post It and stick these on the wall between the X and Y posts, in whatever order you like. You can always move them around later and you can add more as your thinking about your goal develops.

Then, stand back and admire your handiwork. Notice how good you feel and empowered to start taking the actions on the wall!

Of course, I take this exercise one step further! After the Y note, I add colour pictures of the rewards that I will give myself once I have achieved my goal.

And remember, as you achieve the steps along your path to success, you can take them off the wall and see your progress as you advance along the wall towards your goal and its completion date. It’s very cool! You can also collect the achieved Post It Notes as success milestones to celebrate along the way.

This motivating tool is about activating the Law of Attraction to work for you, so you get what you want. By getting your goals and actions out of your head and onto the wall, with dates and time frames, and in a logical order, you are making them a reality. You are attracting the universe to respond to you; and you are helping to build your clarity, courage and commitment around each goal and action. This can help lead you to your success. If you believe in achieving your goals you will.

This works really well for me – please let me know how it works for you.

“Through a series of coaching sessions with Wendy Yorke, I have been able to take my business to the next level. She has helped my company win major contracts with international clients. She has also helped me to see the most effective way to focus my efforts as an entrepreneur on achieving my business goals. I am particularly grateful for her encouraging weekly emails in which I review my progress as a manager. “



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